
Part 1

Part 2

Part 3
Best Practices for Diagnosing and Monitoring nAMD
This short course examines best practises for diagnosing and monitoring AMD, using multimodal imaging, as well as the use of AI in the analysis of data attained.
Real-world Experience with New Anti-VEGFs
This module considers real-world experience with anti-VEGF therapies for patients with AMD, covering patient adherence, the consequences of undertreatment and discussing ways to incorporate new anti-VEGFs into treatment.
nAMD Patient Selection and Outcome Goals for anti-VEGF Treatment
Independent medical education support provided by
Novartis* | Zeiss
* This Activity is Funded by Novartis.
All content has been developed independently by EURETINA and Novartis has had no editorial control in the development of the same.